C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
306 lines
page 60,132
; *==========================================================*
; * This file contain level 1 horizontal line, vertical line *
; * drawing and dot plotting routines *
; *==========================================================*
.err both display type defined
HERC equ 0
smo equ 4 ; small model offset value
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
assume ds:DGROUP
extrn _STYLE:word
extrn _DOTVALUE:word,_LEFTWORD:word,_RIGHTWORD:word
extrn _LASTX:word, _LASTY:word
extrn wrtvec:word
tlen dw ? ; temporary length
vlpw dw ? ; vertical line plot word
vlsty dw ? ; vertical line style
wid dw ? ; width
voa dw ? ; vertical line offset address
vsa dw ? ; vertical line segment address
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
public _plot, _horzl,_SetStyle,_vertl
public $dot,_vert1l
extrn $calc:near, downln:near
; routine to plot a single dot
; input : x,y-coordinates in ax and bx
$dot proc near ; public routine
push di
mov di,ax
and di,0fh
call $calc ; calculate the word address
mov es,ax
shl di,1
mov ax,_DOTVALUE[di] ; get dot position
pop di
jmp wrtvec ; go and write it
$dot endp
; A C callable routine
; ret=plot(x,y);
; int ret,x,y;
; x and y are the x and y coordintaes
; return value is the plot word, usually not useful
_plot proc near ;public routine
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+smo] ; get x coordinate
mov bx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
pop bp
jmp short $dot
_plot endp
; A C callable routine
; horzl(x,y,length);
; int x,y,length
; no checking for correct x,y coordinate and length
; and no clipping too.
_horzl proc near ;public routine
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov ax,[bp+smo] ; get x coordinate
mov bx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
mov di,ax
call $calc ; calculate word address
mov es,ax ; segment number in es
and di,0fh ; get dot position within word
mov si,di
add di,[bp+smo+4]
shl si,1
mov ax,_LEFTWORD[si]
cmp di,16 ; di > 16 if the line is not within the
ja hl1 ; same word
shl di,1 ; othwise the line is in the same word
xor ax,_LEFTWORD[di]
pop di
pop si
pop bp
and ax,_STYLE ; write with the setting in _STYLE
jmp wrtvec ; write the line
; line span across more than 1 word
hl1: and ax,_STYLE ; write the first portion
call wrtvec
mov cl,4 ; get the number of full words
mov si,di ; between first and last word
shr si,cl
dec si
jz short hl2
mov cx,si
mov ax,_STYLE
hl3: inc bx ; repeat writing with the setting in _STYLE
inc bx
call wrtvec
loop short hl3
hl2: inc bx ; point to next word
inc bx
and di,0fh
shl di,1
mov ax,_RIGHTWORD[di] ; set up last word
pop di
pop si
pop bp
and ax,_STYLE ; use STYLE
jmp word ptr wrtvec
_horzl endp
; *-------------------------------------------------------------*
; * This routine is quite long and complicated because it trys *
; * to optimize the speed in drawing a wide vertical line. *
; * The program is not difficult to understand if you know *
; * what it is trying to do. Understand horzl above is helpful *
; *-------------------------------------------------------------*
; A C callable routine
; vertl(x,y,length,width);
; int x,y,length
; no checking for correct x,y coordinate and length
; and no clipping too.
_vertl proc near ;public routine
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov ax,[bp+smo] ; get x coordinate
mov bx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
call $calc ; calculate starting address
mov voa,bx ; save it in vsa and voa
mov vsa,ax
mov es,ax
mov cx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
mov dx,_STYLE
xchg dh,dl
and cl,0fh ; adjust _STYLE for different y coordinate
mov ch,cl
jz short vl2
rol dx,cl
vl2: mov vlsty,dx
mov ax,[bp+smo]
and ax,0fh
mov di,ax
shl di,1
mov dx,_LEFTWORD[di]
add ax,[bp+smo+6] ; get width
cmp ax,16 ; <=16 if the width of the line is in 1 word
ja short vl1
mov di,ax ; within 1 word
shl di,1
xor dx,_LEFTWORD[di] ; set up the word that should
mov vlpw,dx ; be in drawing
mov cx,[bp+smo+4] ; get length
mov tlen,cx
mov cx,[bp+smo+2]
mov dx,vlsty
call $vertl ; draw the line
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; not within 1 word
vl1: mov di,ax
and di,0fh
shl di,1
mov cx,_RIGHTWORD[di]
push cx
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
mov wid,ax
mov vlpw,dx ; set up the plot word
mov cx,[bp+smo+4]
mov tlen,cx
mov cx,[bp+smo+2]
mov dx,vlsty
call $vertl ; draw first portion
mov vlpw,0ffffh ; repeat drawing with whole word
dec wid ; (no style for width)
jz short vl3
vl4: add voa,2 ; move to next horizontal word
mov bx,voa ; restore starting address
mov es,vsa
mov cx,[bp+smo+4] ; get length
mov tlen,cx
mov cx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
mov dx,vlsty ; set style
call $vertl ; draw it
dec wid
jnz short vl4
vl3: add voa,2 ; move to last word
mov bx,voa
mov es,vsa
pop cx
test cx,cx
jz vl5
mov vlpw,cx
mov cx,[bp+smo+4]
mov tlen,cx
mov cx,[bp+smo+2]
mov dx,vlsty
call $vertl ; draw last word
vl5: pop di
pop si
pop bp
_vertl endp
; A C callable routine but it is not public now
; vert1l(x,y,length);
; int x,y,length;
; the width is always 1
_vert1l proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov ax,[bp+smo] ; get x coordinate
mov bx,[bp+smo+2] ; get y coordinate
call $calc
mov es,ax
push bx
mov bx,[bp+smo]
and bx,0fh
shl bx,1
mov cx,_DOTVALUE[bx] ; get the plot word
mov vlpw,cx
pop bx
mov cx,[bp+smo+4] ; get length
mov tlen,cx
mov cx,[bp+sm